🟢 Community Guide

发布于 2025-02-26 / 48 阅读

🟢 Community Guide

This page is the OSPP Community Guide. Before registering for the event, please read and understand this guide carefully.

Registering for the event means you agree to the OSPP Participation Agreement.

If you have any questions, please contact the organizing committee: org@summer-ospp.ac.cn.

1. What is OSPP

☀️ Introduction to the Open Source Promotion Plan

The Open Source Promotion Plan is a summer program organized by the Open Source Software Supply Chain Promotion Plan of the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2020. It aims to encourage university students to actively participate in the development and maintenance of open source software, cultivate and discover more outstanding developers, promote the vigorous development of excellent open source software communities, and assist in the construction of open source software supply chains.

The program collaborates with various open source communities, providing project development tasks for the development and maintenance of important open source software, and is open for registration to university students worldwide. Students can independently choose projects they are interested in, apply, and after selection, carry out development under the guidance of project developers (community mentors). Based on the project's difficulty and completion, participants will receive a bonus and a completion certificate.

📍 Event Schedule







Community Registration and Review

First-time participating communities must register an account in the Promotion Plan Management System (referred to as the system) and fill in community details. Returning communities should log in with their original account to update details. Approved communities will gradually go live on the official website.

Registration deadline: 3/31 18:00 UTC+8



Publication of Complete Community List

After the community goes live on the official website, communities may send introduction videos to be displayed on the OSPP website.



Community Checks Supported Project Numbers

Communities can fund extra projects beyond supported numbers, see participation process below.



Community Submits Projects

Upon project submission, corresponding mentors need to verify their identity. See the community participation process below. Submission deadline: 05/04 18:00 UTC+8



Committee Project Review

Approved projects will be listed online for students to communicate with mentors. Mentor identity verification deadline: 05/07 24:00 UTC+8



Project Announced



Students Select Projects and Communicate with Mentors, Preparing and Submitting Application

Deadline for student registration and project application submission: 06/09 18:00 UTC+8



Project Application Review

06/10-06/16: Mentor Review

06/17-06/23: Community Review and Submission of Cooperation Agreement

06/24-06/29: Committee Review and Signing of Community Cooperation Agreement.

Quality of the application is a critical factor for approval.



Announcement of Selected Students

Results can be viewed on the official website and system.



Coding and Development

Submission of completion report and PR/MR links. Deadline: 09/30 24:00 UTC+8



Evaluations - Mentor Review and PR/MR Merge Stage

During this time, students can perfect submitted PRs/MRs until merged. New PRs/MRs won't count as project outcomes.



Committee Completion Review - Outcome Audit Stage

In the meantime, student developers can still refine their PR/MR until they are merged.



Announcement of Completed Projects

Results can be viewed on the official website and system. Successful students and mentors upload signed participant agreements and submit bank details in the system.



Annual Outstanding Student Selection

Nominees are recommended by mentors and communities after completion review.

2. Which Communities Can Register

Open source community repositories should use OSI recommended open source license or OKF-recommended open licenses.

Open source communities should have been operational for over six months.

This event accepts projects using the following open knowledge licenses:

3. Benefits for Participating Communities

📸 Enhance community exposure and brand recognition.

🧑‍💻 Attract talented university developers to join and bring fresh energy.

🧬 Advance the ecological development and maintenance of community.

4. Community Participation Process

⚠️ All stage operations are conducted in the system, with the default time zone set to Beijing Time (UTC+8).

The community liaison serves as the bridge for communication between the organizing committee and the community throughout the event, responsible for coordinating and advancing various stages.

®️ Community Registration (03/11-03/31)

  • Liaisons can register and log in to a community account via the community login portal on the homepage, submit community information, and confirm registration upon approval by the committee.

  • If the community liaison also functions as a mentor, please register with different email address.

  • Communities with an existing account should log in with the original account to update information for review.

  • Ensure the accuracy and validity of community information to avoid registration failure due to inaccuracies.

📝 Project Information

(1)Project Quantity

  • Log into the system to check the number of projects supported by the committee (denoted as X), determined based on registration and past participation.

  • Plan the number of projects rationally. The community can submit any number of projects according to their needs. If this exceeds the support limit, prepare a budget for self-funding excess projects. In case of selection without a budget, it can lead to project and student cancelation, impacting future participation.

  • During project application-community review (see below for Community Review), the community should internally discuss and finalize approved projects.

  • If the number of approved projects is less than or equal to X, they're entirely supported by the committee. If more, communities need to mark extra projects as community-supported and sign cooperation agreement (details in Community Supported Projects).

(2)Project Types

  • Development projects are encouraged and prioritized, especially those around operating systems, compilers and RISC-V related projects.

  • Document and frontend projects should not exceed 5% of total projects.

  • Projects that have been open source and active for six months or more are advised to participate.

(3)Project Difficulty

  • Projects are categorized into Basic and Advanced difficulty based on requirements, scale, technical difficulty, estimated workload, and resource constraints.

  • Recommended internal ratio for basic to advanced projects is 3:7.

  • See project difficulty reference examples.

(4)Project Bonus

  • Advanced Difficulty: Pre-tax student completion bonus of 12,000 RMB.

  • Basic Difficulty: Pre-tax student completion bonus of 8,000 RMB.

  • Bonuses for committee-supported projects are provided by the committee, while community-supported bonuses come from the community.

(5)Project Details

  • Mentors arrange project-specific content using the system-provided template; submissions are made by the community liaison through the community account, including project name, description, technical domain, programming language, expected outcomes, technical requirements, estimated workload, and completion repository. Details should be clear to aid student understanding.

  • The OSPP encourages and prioritizes development projects, focusing on essential software projects such as operating systems and compilers, and key projects related to the RISC-V ecosystem. The project details should be clearly and explicitly stated with appropriate difficulty to enable students to better understand the project.

- Project Name: The project name should clearly and directly reflect the project's technology and target tasks.

- Project Description: Provide the project's relevant background, existing work, current deficiencies, improvements needed, and final objectives to be achieved.

- Project Difficulty: Set based on project requirements, scale, technical difficulty, estimated development workload, and resource limitations.

- Technical Domain, Programming Language: Specify the technical field and programming languages involved.

- Project Output Requirements: Clearly define what students need to accomplish and the expected outcomes.

- Project Technical Requirements: Present requirements from perspectives such as programming language, technology stack, and development experience.

- Project Completion Repository: Use the existing project repository of the community, not a new empty repository.

- Estimated Work Hours: Provide an estimated reference for development hours based on project difficulty, output requirements, and student skill level.

- Project Notes: Include related reference materials for the project itself, such as books, papers, blogs, and links to related projects or issues.

☑️ Project Submission (04/04-05/04)

From April 4 to May 4, community liaison can fill in and submit project information in the system. Projects that have been verified by mentors and approved by the organizing committee will be published on the official website. Before the submission deadline, communities can modify projects not approved by the committee in the system and resubmit them.

(1)Assigning Project Mentors

  • Each project requires the community to assign a mentor, generally a developer related to the project (Maintainer, Committer, Contributor). Each mentor can guide only one project;

  • Project mentors should prepare specific project content, which is submitted by the community contact through the community account. Project details and requirements can be found on the system project management page;

  • When publishing projects in the system, the community account must designate a project mentor. If mentor information is not included in the system, it needs to be added;

  • 🚨 Mentors must not participate in this event as student developers simultaneously. If this is discovered during the event, the committee will cancel their participation, and no bonuses or certificates will be awarded for their roles as mentors or students.

(2)Mentor Identity Verification

  • When the community account adds mentor information in the system, an invitation email 📧 is sent to the mentor, who can click the link in the invitation email to log into the system for identity verification;

  • After the community contact submits project information, mentors must log into the mentor system to fill in personal information and complete mentor identity verification. The verification deadline is May 7, 24:00 UTC+8. Projects without completed mentor identity verification cannot be published on the official website.

(3)Submitting Projects

  • The community account logs into the system to submit project information;

  • Encourage mentors to complete identity verification before the deadline.

📖 Application Review - Community Review (06/17-06/23)

  • Project applications approved by mentors will enter community review. The community account can view the application and review status of each project in the system.

  • The quality of project applications is the main standard for evaluating whether a student's application is approved.

  • Community review will take place after the mentor review is completed. Before community review, full communication with mentors and students is necessary to understand the application and review status. Organize internal discussions to select and submit the final community-approved project applications in the system. The number of community-approved projects should not exceed the committee's supported project quantity X for that community.

  • If a community wishes to increase the number of community-approved project applications, they should sign a community cooperation agreement with the committee to increase through community support (see below Community Supported Projects).

  • Community review processes are carried out in the community account.

  • Only students who pass mentor, community, and committee reviews will be recognized as selected students for projects. Communities and mentors are not allowed to pre-select students, make private promises about selection results, or require students to start development work early.

⤴️ Community Supported Projects

  • If the number of community-approved project applications exceeds the committee-supported project quantity X, additional projects are self-funded and require a signed community cooperation agreement to be increased as community-supported project completion bonuses (including student and mentor bonuses);

  • After marking supported projects and completing submissions in the system, a community cooperation agreement containing project details will be auto-generated. Please download, stamp, and upload within the system, and complete the signing before the announcement of selected results;

  • Communities provide designated project completion bonus funding, and the bonus amount aligns with event rules. The funds will be fully used to pay for the designated project completion bonuses and taxes. If the supported project is not completed, the community doesn't need to pay the support funds for that project. The actual supported amount is based on the "Community Completion Project List" issued by the committee post-project announcement;

  • Community-supported projects will be highlighted in the official website's project list.

🌟 Outstanding Student Selection

Community contacts collect nomination lists of outstanding students in the community and reasons for mentor recommendations. After internal discussions, submit the community's final recommended list in the system.

Each community can recommend up to 3 candidates for awards: Best Quality Award, Outstanding Contribution Award, Fastest Improvement Award, and Most Promising Award. Community liaisons should gather reasons for mentor nominations, conduct community-level discussions, and submit the final recommendations in the system.

  • Best Quality Award: From a project perspective, focusing on project completion quality, readability of code, and document completeness to ensure project sustainability.

  • Outstanding Contribution Award: From a community perspective, focusing on the student's contribution level to the community and the significance of completed projects to the community.

  • Fastest Improvement Award: From a student perspective, focusing on the student's progress and rapid learning ability during the event.

  • Most Promising Award: From an open-source perspective, focusing on the student's potential and willingness for continuous future open-source contributions.

5. Community Responsibilities

  • Communities should launch OSPP page on their community website (or public project repository) using any format (HTML, Wiki, etc.). The page content should include all project task lists, project task details, and relevant reference materials provided by the community or project group.

  • Communities can independently record community introduction videos and submit them to the committee's email at org@summer-ospp.ac.cn. The committee will publish them on platforms like the OSPP website, WeChat official account, and Bilibili. Videos are recommended to be within 20 minutes and can include community background, development directions, outcome showcases, and future plans. Communities may use the OSPP community presentation PPT template to create presentation files. Also, provide a video title and a 1920x1080 video cover image.

  • Before reviewing project applications, full communication with mentors and students should be ensured to understand application and review statuses. Jointly decide on approved students and projects and complete community reviews within the stipulated time by logging into the system.

  • For communities needing to support projects, a community cooperation agreement must be signed with the organizing committee before the announcement of selection results.

  • Ensure mentors fulfill their responsibilities, referring to the Mentor Guide.

  • Communities should provide appropriate help during project development and coordinate resolving issues encountered by student mentors in the development process.

  • During the event, if changes to account information, community introduction, project information, mentor replacement, etc., are needed, please send an application email to the organizing committee at org@summer-ospp.ac.cn and submit the information modification application form. The committee doesn't recommend modifying information already published on the official website; carefully check and confirm during submission.

6. Organizer Statement

  1. The organizers hold no claims to intellectual property rights over student-developed outcomes during the event.

  2. Intellectual property outcomes are determined by the community based on the community's development contribution guidelines with students (e.g., signing a Contributor License Agreement).

  3. Privacy Rights:

  • The organizing body will process personal information provided during registration and subsequent event interactions to manage the event (including verifying eligibility, participating in the event, and sending notifications related to the event).

  • Non-personally identifiable information will be used in aggregate for statistical purposes; the activity participation names created during registration will be publicly displayed on related websites, documents, and materials, and will be shared with the organizers to facilitate communication, answering questions, and review processes. Student submissions and contact information (email and activity participation name) will be shared by the organizers to manage the event.

  • The organizing body may publicly disclose your participation in the event and the event's outcomes, including the names and content of accepted projects and the code you generated during project work. The organizing body may display your information, including activity participation name, project summary, and final project materials, on related websites (including but not limited to the OSPP official website, WeChat official account, etc.).

  1. During the event, participants can access, update, delete, and restrict the processing of their personal information in their project documents. If you wish to edit such information after the event concludes or oppose processing or exporting it, contact the organizing body through official contact channels (website, email, WeChat official account).